A Ride That Will Live In Infamy. This ride will take you through the back roads of North Santa Barbara County. This is wine country and several vineyards can be seen. There is some climbing, some descending and scenery all the way. There is history to see and all of that with a stop in Los Alamos.
Leave Panera parking lot onto Betteravia and head East. Betteravia will become Foxen Cyn. At Garey make a Right turn and continue following Foxen Cyn to Sisquoc. At the Palmer/FoxenCyn intersection go left and remain on Foxen Cyn for quite a while until reaching the twin qwindmill intersection with Alisos Canyon Rd. Makle a right on Alisos and head West until intersecting Hwy 101. Right on the freeway and exit the freeway a mile or so into Los Alamos. Los Alamos is a break in the action. After break head out on Hwy 135 to Graciosa. Continue to the old Loading Dock. From there to home.
Option 1 At Garey make a left and take Santa Maria Mesa Rd to Tepesquet Rd. Make a right and continue across dry river and intersect Foxen Cyn Rd. Return to Panera by way of Foxen, Betteravia.
Option 2 After leaving Los Alamos take Bell St to Hwy 101. Cross 101 and continue to Clark exit.